How Are You Sleeping? Oct 9, 2014
Sleep deprivation causes changes in metabolism and hormone functioning, which can affect how the body burns and stores fat. There is also a particular link between sleep loss and obesity, because a lack of sleep lowers leptin, an important hormone that tells the body when it has eaten enough food, and increases ghrelin, the opposite […]
If you look to research, you can easily find a study to support whatever you want to believe. One example is a study Dr. George Blackburn, associate director of the Division of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School who concluded that diet or nutrition is by far the greatest predictor of weight loss success. He suggests […]
Dealing with set-backs Sep 30, 2014
When it comes to weight loss, there are going to be set-backs. It is important that you avoid using “all or nothing” statements. There will be slip-ups. Just accept the slip-up and get back on track. Do not beat yourself up over it. If you expect to have some setbacks, it will be easier to […]
Omega-3 Supplementation Sep 10, 2014
Fish oil (also known as omega-3 fats) supplements, are one of the most popular supplements, with more people buying than ever. This should not come as a surprise as there have been more than 15,000 studies, fish oil is powerful in reducing the risk of heart disease, triglycerides and helping with weight loss. When determining […]
Eating Triggers Aug 24, 2014
Ninety per cent of why we eat is behaviour-related (psychological hunger). It is not because we are hungry. It’s because we are, for example, sad, angry, depressed anxious, bored or simply it is “time to eat”. Psychological hunger is when you want to have something to eat or drink without physical symptoms such as an […]
Diets Work and Diets Don’t Work Aug 20, 2014
Diets Work. Because of the caloric restriction of diets, your body will be made to use body fat stores for fuel (energy). The benefits of dieting are more evident in the early stages of weight loss. They are, however, difficult to maintain. Diets don’t work. Dieting has no way to deal with the metabolism, which […]
Change Your Mind – Change Your Body Aug 14, 2014
Creating your best life now often requires a change in mindset. Sometimes even when you have the intention of doing the right thing, if you have the wrong attitude, you can easily slip up. Some of the pitfalls in maintaining a long term health and fitness program include: All or Nothing Too often we adopt […]
Cortisol and Stress Aug 11, 2014
Cortisol is elevated in response to stress. The stress can chemical, physical, environmental or psychological. The human brain is hard wired with automatic responses to protect the body from harm. In this “fight or flight” response, the adrenal glands enlarge and secrete large quantities of adrenal cortical hormones. These hormones suppress inflammatory responses and mobilise […]
Chill Out to Lose Weight Aug 6, 2014
When stressed, many people use food as a “tranquilizer”. Although you may temporarily feel better when you do, the long-term results of using food as a coping mechanism can be disastrous. Stress management tools such as mental training exercises, taking a walk, and massage all help provide immediate relief from cravings by naturally modifying your […]
Change your thinking – change you! Jul 31, 2014
Your success is influenced by the communication you have with yourself. You become what you think about, including how you think about your body weight and shape. The more that you can maintain a positive focus and remain motivated, the more success you will experience. Your thinking is largely influenced by your beliefs. Beliefs are […]