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Your Best life

G’day, I’m David Blair. I live in Brisbane, Australia and I’m a Director in a variety of companies dedicated to the improvement in the well-being and quality of life of others.
I am a writer, corporate speaker, coach and educator specialising in the areas of optimal performance,


Creating your best life now often requires a change in mindset. Sometimes even when you have the intention of doing the right thing, if you have the wrong attitude, you can easily slip up. Some of the pitfalls in maintaining a long term health and fitness program include: All or Nothing Too often we adopt […]

Cortisol and Stress Aug 11, 2014

Cortisol is elevated in response to stress. The stress can chemical, physical, environmental or psychological. The human brain is hard wired with automatic responses to protect the body from harm. In this “fight or flight” response, the adrenal glands enlarge and secrete large quantities of adrenal cortical hormones. These hormones suppress inflammatory responses and mobilise […]

When stressed, many people use food as a “tranquilizer”. Although you may temporarily feel better when you do, the long-term results of using food as a coping mechanism can be disastrous. Stress management tools such as mental training exercises, taking a walk, and massage all help provide immediate relief from cravings by naturally modifying your […]

Your success is influenced by the communication you have with yourself. You become what you think about, including how you think about your body weight and shape. The more that you can maintain a positive focus and remain motivated, the more success you will experience. Your thinking is largely influenced by your beliefs. Beliefs are […]

1.         Lie down to go to sleep only when you are tired. Don’t go to bed early to “catch up” on lost sleep if you’re not tired. Learn to recognise waves of sleepiness, which come every 60–90 minutes, and go to bed then. 2.         Avoid spending non-sleep time in bed. You should associate […]

Your Body is Shrinking Mar 30, 2014

As we get older, we get shorter. But our height is not the only thing that shrinks with age. Most people lose at least about 1 cm in height every decade after the age of 40. By the age of 80, most people will be 5 – 8 cm shorter. From about the age of […]

It can be hard to maintain a regular exercise regime with the commitments of work, family and friends. There always seems to be some urgent (but not necessarily that important) job or task that has to be done now! With mobile phones, email, twitter and other social media, it is no wonder that exercise and […]